Our Services

Tax Filing

Tax filing is a complex phenomenon, if not managed professionally. The financial reports and book of accounts must be properly maintained and monitored by an experienced eye,for enabling you to file your tax in the stipulated time period as advised by the government.

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Goods and Services Tax (GST) is an indirect tax (or consumption tax) used in India on the supply of goods and services. It is a comprehensive, multistage, destination-based tax: comprehensive because it has subsumed almost all the indirect taxes except a few state taxes.

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Company formation

Our team of specialists in company formation can offer in-depth assistance on the registration of a legal entity and can offer advice on the regulations applicable in this regard. All companies operating in India, regardless of the size and structure, are required to register with the registrar of Companies (RoC). In order to form a company in India, the investor must abide with certain incorporation steps.

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Computerized Accounting & Auditing Services

Computerized accounting services help businesses to manage big financial transactions, data, reports and statements with high accuracy and effectiveness. Our system ensures zero chaos and promises better quality workplace, lower operating cost and enhanced accuracy.

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Digital Signature

Digital Signature is a process that guarantees that the contents of a message have not been altered in transit. When you, digitally sign a document, you add a one-way hash (encryption) of the message content using your public and private key pair. At Arjun associates, our digital signature assistance helps you fasten the processes that normally takes much time and effort.

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Bank loan assistance and guidance

We have experts in our team to deal with banks for the speedy processes’ completion of loan facilitation to companies and individuals. Our team carefully study the financial requirements and find suitable solutions to mobilize funds...

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Project analysis & Feasibility study

Project analysis and feasibility study is a complex and time-consuming process. You need expert assistance for moving your dream project to the launch pad. Extensive study is needed to oversee the technical feasibility and economic justifiability of a project. A well-designed study should offer a historical background of the business or project, such as a description of the product or service, accounting statements, details of operations and management, marketing research and policies, financial data, legal requirements, and tax obligations. At Arjun associates we analyze the below areas before submitting the final study report.

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